POST FALLS, ID - For as long as he can remember, Lake City's Max Bazler has been going back and forth with Coeur d'Alene Charter's Logan Davis in numerous races dating all the way back to their middle school days.
Whether it's in cross country or track, the two seem to always match-up with one another and put on a great show like the one many witnessed at this meet.
"The two of us competing against each other has been going on for the last five years," said Bazler about racing Davis. "Depending on the distance of the race, both of us are always competing with each other and it ends up being a great battle."
The friendly-rivalry continued once again this Thursday, September 3, in Kiwanis Park as Bazler beat Davis to the finish line by a close second at the Post Falls River Run in the junior boy's two-mile race running a time of 10:51.
The course conditions were far from what Bazler and Lake City ran at last week up in Sandpoint as there were multiple hair-pin turns, long, steep hills, and plenty of dust. Compared to Sandpoint, this course in Kiwanis Park was going to be a lot tougher and Bazler felt more than ready heading into this race.
"I had to go up the hills fast and eventually start passing people," said Bazler. "It was grind fighting up those hills, but overall I think I did great and went above my expectations."
Easily the best race of the night, Bazler and Davis were neck-and-neck with one another from start to finish. With around 100 meters to go coming around the final hair-pin turn, Bazler had just a little more left in the tank for his final push to take the win.
"I just tried to go as fast as I could that final stretch," said Bazler. "It was true grit as I was able to keep my pace up the entire race and know I could finish with one final surge."
Davis ran a time of 10:52.3 for second place. Bonners Ferry's Connor Alexander placed third running a personal best time of 11:08.6.
Lewiston was first with 28 points led by Kobe Wessels, who was fourth running 11:10.1. Also from Lewiston in the top 10 were Elijah Sabo placing fifth running 11:15.5 and Nick Grimm placing seventh running 11:41.9.
Gavin Calkins was sixth for second place Post Falls, who scored 47 points, running a time of 11:39.6.
Post Falls' Alex Peters won the senior boy's race in a time of 10:23 earning his first win of the season and leading the Trojans to a seven point win over the Coeur d'Alene's seniors, 25-32.
Many early adjustments were made by Peters, who's only in his second year of running cross country, as he was caught up in the back of the pack from the start of the race, but eventually he was able to use his knowledge of the course and was patient enough to make his way up to the front of the lead pack, coming up the first hill.
"Our team runs here all the time, so I knew I had an advantage coming into the first hill," said Peters. "We have run up those hills so many times. It just gets in your head and you know exactly when to push it."
Brycen Kempton and Sawyer Crenshew of Post Falls finished in the top 10 as well for the Trojans placing third and seventh running 10:47.3 and 11:43.
Coeur d'Alene's top two runners were Ethan Garner as the runner-up running a time of 10:42.8, and Carter Ringger placing ninth running 12:02.9.
Other top finishers in the senior race were Lewiston's Payton Bigler (4th, 10:53.2) and Logos' Jase Elmore (5th, 11:05.5).
IC Academy's Danny Kuplack won the sophomore boy's race running 12:06.2 and Lake City scored a perfect 15 points to win the team title led by Nathan Brillhart's fifth place finish running 13:05.
Post Fall's Neil McCarthy won the freshman boy's race running 11:23.8, while Coeur d'Alene won the team title scoring 34 points defeating Timberlake by 10 points.
On the girl's side, Post Falls' Samantha Wood won her second race of the year in another great performance winning by over a minute and half running a time of 11:33.3 in the junior/senior race.

Last week at Sandpoint, Wood ran a personal best 5k time of 17:59, while chasing a pace bike at the same time due to the fact there was no one close enough to race her.
But with no bike to pace her through the short, but fast race this time around, Wood was truly racing at solo effort.
The Trojans were also first as a team scoring 23 points with three more girls finishing in the top 10 in Alahna Lien (2nd, 13:04.4), Leah Holding (4th, 13:18.4), and Erica Mundt (8th, 13:59.8).
Angelyca Chapman of Lake City was third overall running 13:14.5 and the Timberwolves were second as a team with 40 points.
Chapman's teammate, Clara Stephens, finished sixth running 13:53.3.
Post Falls' Anna Peters won the freshmen/sophomore girl's race with a time of 12:43.6, picking up her first win ever in high school.
Because the races were set up to be split this year, Peters didn't really have a plan coming into this meet since she's never had an opportunity to win a race in her young high school career. However, she was able to look back at a previous jamboree meet back in August up at Bonners Ferry that was the same exact distance, or at least relatively close.
"Normally I am racing against juniors and seniors, so it was very difficult planning this race out," said Peters. "But to win, it feels very good because it doesn't happen very often. It feels like a big accomplishment once you are able to do it."
Finishing behind Peters in second was her own teammate, Kaley Bohl, as she ran a time of 12:45.9 and the Trojans scored 26 points for three point victory over Coeur d'Alene.
Coeur d'Alene's Elliana Rietze and Anna Marie Dance were third and fifth running 12:59 and 13:54.6.
For more results from the Post Falls River Run, click here.
Photos from the Post Falls River Run can be found here.